Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Interesting Insects!

I love this time of year!  We are able to do so many fun activities with our Treasures Reading series.  My kids were wild about learning about insects this past week!  This is one of my favorite units to teach.  The kids love Deanna Jump's unit and Little Warriors' pollination activity.  We also loved singing Dr. Jean's "Head, Thorax, Abdomen" song to the tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."  I also added in Dee Dee Wills bee poetry.  The kids love these poems and songs, and they are easily made into fun Promethean sorting activities. 

Here is one an insect glyph we made from Deanna Jump's unit. 

Here is our pollination experiment from Little Warriors.  The kids and I LOVE this activity.  The student's hands are the bee.  The "bee" lands on the pollen (the Cheetos) and the kids eat the Cheetos.  The bee lands on another flower (bag) to spread the pollen to make more FLOWERS! 

 Can you tell my kiddos loved it? :-)
Students recorded what is step represented on their recording sheet.

This student wrote it bugs him when people are not patient. 

Below are our edible insect models.  Students drew their model and had it checked by a friend.

 What a great week!  Can't wait to share pictures from all of the great things happening this week in our ocean unit!

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